U.S. Cattle Identification Systems
U.S. CATTLE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS: Risk Management and Market Opportunities is a planned collection of fact sheets, developed by authors with national expertise in the subject area. Materials were developed during the summer of 2004 and published in October. Additional materials and some updates were completed in the summer of 2006.
Please note that these fact sheets require Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe website. While feedback on the use and application of these materials is requested, reprinting and duplication of materials as presented is encouraged. Bound copies of the fact sheets are available from the project coordinators.
This project was developed by the Western Extension Marketing Committee for extension and classroom audiences. For this set of materials, direct dollar contributors were the Western Center for Risk Management Education and the Livestock Marketing Information Center. For authors affiliated with universities, the project was also supported by their respective state Cooperative Extension Services. Please direct any comments or questions to individual authors (e-mail addresses are on each article) or the project coordinators.
Adobe Acrobat Files
Project Introduction (350.18 KB)
1-04 The National Animal Identification System: Basics, Blueprint, Timelines, and Processes (1.39 MB)
2-04 Benefits and Costs Associated with an Animal Identification System for Cattle in the United States (1.37 MB)
3-04 Animal ID: Opportunities for Value-Added Marketing and Production Efficiencies (1.35 MB)
4-04 The National Animal Identification System and Country-of-Origin Labeling: How Are They Related? (1.37 MB)
5-04 Animal Identification: Confidentiality of Information (1.33 MB)
6-04 Animal Identification: Liability Exposure and Risk Management (1.34 MB)
7-06 Issues Related to Beef Traceability: A Discussion of Transforming Cattle into Products (1.3 MB)
8-04 Potential Benefits of Production Information to Cattle Producers (1.32 MB)
9-04 Effects of Animal Identification on Cattle Market Structure (1.36 MB)
10-04 Challenges of Animal Identification in the West (3.03 MB)
11-04 Working with Animal Identification Technology Providers (1.35 MB)
12-06 Age Verification for Japan: What is Involved and is it Right for Me? (1.13 MB)
13-06 Lessons for the U.S. Beef Industry Learned from the Australian National Livestock Identification System (1.13 MB)
PowerPoint Files
1-04 The National Animal Identification System: Basics, Blueprint, Timelines, and Processes (657.5 KB)
2-04 Benefits and Costs Associated with an Animal Identification System for Cattle in the United States (621 KB)
3-04 Animal ID: Opportunities for Value-Added Marketing and Production Efficiencies (942.5 KB)
4-04 The National Animal Identification System and Country-of-Origin Labeling: How Are They Related? (2.94 MB)
5-04 Animal Identification: Confidentiality of Information (594.5 KB)
6-04 Animal Identification: Liability Exposure and Risk Management (604 KB)
7-06 Issues Related to Beef Traceability: A Discussion of Transforming Cattle into Products (1.49 MB)
8-04 Potential Benefits of Production Information to Cattle Producers (628.5 KB)
9-04 Effects of Animal Identification on Cattle Market Structure (623.5 KB)
10-04 Challenges of Animal Identification in the West (2.23 MB)
11-04 Working with Animal Identification Technology Providers (673.5 KB)
12-06 Age Verification for Japan: What is Involved and is it Right for Me? (976.5 KB)
13-06 Lessons for the U.S. Beef Industry Learned from the Australian National Livestock Identification System (628.5 KB)