Contact Us
Physical & Mail Address
Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC)
7175 W. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 2700
Lakewood, CO 80235
Fax: 303-716-9937
Tyler Cozzens, PhD
Email: tyler.cozzens@lmic.info
Phone: 303-716-9934

Director/Agricultural Economist
Tyler Cozzens is the Director and Agricultural Economist at the Livestock Marketing Information Center. He has been with the LMIC since 2019 providing economic analysis for the livestock and feed sectors. Previously, Tyler worked as an agricultural economist at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) in Washington, D.C. where he provided situation and outlook economic analysis on U.S. and global livestock production and trade. Tyler also worked for the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services National Wildlife Research Center (USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC) evaluating animal disease prevalence in U.S. food animal populations and unregulated wildlife populations. Tyler received his Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Colorado State University where his research focused on the economics of animal health.
Mike Eckhoff, PhD
Data Systems Analyst
Email: michael.eckhoff@lmic.info
Phone: 303-716-9933

Data Systems Analyst
Mike Eckhoff is a data systems analyst at the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Previously, he provided technical expertise on treated-wood products to building and design professionals across the world. Prior to that, Mike worked for both the Colorado State Forest Service and the United States Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, where he helped develop market-based tools to improve forest biomass and wood product utilization while restoring forest health in the Rocky Mountain West. Mike earned a B.A. in Political Science from N.C. State University, and he earned a Master’s Degree in Political Science and a Ph.D. in Forest Science from Colorado State University.
Gary Lohr
Data and Market Systems (part-time)
Email: gary.lohr@lmic.info
Phone: 303-716-9931

Data Systems Analyst
Gary Lohr is a data systems analyst at the Livestock Marketing Information Center. He has managed his own consultancy for the last 20 years, specializing in forecasting economic conditions for the food and agriculture industries. Prior to that, he was Director of Long-term Forecasting and International Studies at a leading economic consulting firm. He has designed and managed forecasting systems focused on the poultry industry as well as working for a large commodity trading organization.
Gary has a BS in Agricultural Economics from Colorado State University with several years of graduate work in Economics, as well as Management Science and Information Systems.
Laura Lahr
Database Management (part-time)
Email: laura.lahr@lmic.info
Phone: 303-716-9935

Database Manager
Laura Lahr has been at the Livestock Marketing Information Center since 2000. Laura has assisted in different areas at the LMIC. She currently helps with data automation and maintains various data files. She also works with graphs, tables, and the website.
Laura has a BS in Agricultural Economics with a minor in Animal Science from South Dakota State University.
Jacki Costello
Administrative Assistant
Email: jacki.costello@lmic.info
Phone: 303-716-9932

Administrative Assistant
Jacki Costello has been the Administrative Assistant at the Livestock Marketing Information Center since 2019. Jacki assists in managing data files and helps with all administrative tasks. Jacki has Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology and Sociology from the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Prior to coming to LMIC, Jacki worked in the legal field and as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy.
James Robb
Senior Economist – Emeritus
Email: james.robb@lmic.info

Senior Agricultural Economist – Emeritus
Jim Robb retired on June 30, 2020, and was awarded Emeritus Status by Colorado State University Extension.
For many years he was Senior Agricultural Economist and Director of the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC). He has written over 1,400 articles, research reports, and newsletters on a variety of marketing and economic topics related to agriculture and the livestock industries. Jim has been a speaker at conferences throughout North America and has given expert testimony to the US Senate Agriculture Committee.
Prior to joining the Western Livestock Marketing Information Project in 1991, which became the LMIC, Jim was an Agricultural Economist at the University of Nebraska. He also has worked in the agricultural banking sector. Jim received degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of California-Davis and from Michigan State University.